Saturday, December 17, 2011

Proverbs and Metaphors

A couple of years ago a popular folk singer from India sent me an email complaining that there was not even a single karnataka person present in the audience of the English diggs in London to listen to his singing. I just replied in a lighthearted way saying the he was 'barking at the wrong tree', he should have approached our organisation for some publicity. But, he took my remarks as an insult and replied 'I do not bark, I sing music for my living'. That was the time when the film 'Slumdog millionaire' did not go down well with the general public in India.
Moral: If you live away from your motherland for a long time, you pick up some proverbs and metaphors which becomes second nature to you. Do not use them especially when you are in your home country or meet a person from your homeland.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Obama's Health Care Reforms.

President Obama's Health Care reforms bill was approved recently by Senate. It has to be approved by the House of Representatives and a compromised version has to be stuck by January 2010.
I do not understand these reforms of health care in the USA because I worked in the U.K's National Health Service as a Family doctor all my life. Whatever reform bill is passed in the USA, it can not be the same as the NHS of UK. It appears that even if a good compromised version of health service is worked out and whatever the means of payment for it, the health care delivery system in the USA is still depends largely up on the private medical care providers and the payment is made by some modified Insurance plan which is backed by government or private insurers. In U.K the Health Insurance and the Health care deliverers are all parts of National Health Service which is a part of the government. But this is seen as a 'Socialistic system of health care' by the Capitalistic USA. In the health care system of UK, where patients are treated first , especially in an emergency situation and then the insurance cover is checked later. Even this wonderful health care system of U.K is bursting at seams by the cost of health care. Should they in UK privatise the health care delivery system like USA? I do not know the answer because I have not worked in the USA.